my greatest worry in a sentence

A good point is made by Samin on the "protective net" that (supposedly) exists in France but is missing in the USA (any "protective mechanism" is labeled as "socialism" these day). je pense que Sam a raison de mentionner la diffrence de traduction, car je n'entend pas les mots de la mme faon, pour moi tre proccuper par quelque chose c'est dans le moments, ce qui me proccupe ces jours ci, en revanche "ma plus grande peur" si je traduis de l'anglais veux plutt dire une peur qui se rpercute sur du long terme, d'o l'intert de faire la diffrence. Hmm, I seem to be succeeding, as I can't think of it now. You should ring up your mother, for she must be worried. It would be interesting to ask middle-aged adults what their greatest worries are. to end up homeless or not being able to support myself, being alone and not enjoying what I do with my life. Don't you worry; that affair will never come off. These are both controlled completely by one's actions, therefore the French have more control over their 'worth' (though I hesitate to use that term specifically). Wikipedia. 2 International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy Suddently, my heart was full. je pense que si on m'avais demand ma plus grande peur, j'aurais rpondu, tout comme nos amis les amricains, ne rien faire de ma vie (professionnelle), ou perdre un parent. 7. You become light-hearted and full of joy. la diminution des liberts personnelles aux profits des bnfices des multinationales, les guerres et l'ingalit croissante. Examples of 'worry' in a sentence worry. This is reflected in many other areas that we have discussed so far (e.g. 4 After twenty minutes I started to get worried. CK 1 is to get through the programming classes, find time for sleep. In fact, it may comfort you to know that many of us tend to worry about the same issues. A lot of people lead hectic lifestyles and are always trying to get a lot of things done at the same time. L'avenir est une preocupation plus importante pour les francais? 4. Il est vrai que j'aimerais bien savoir partir de quel degr de relations nous commenons nous proccuper de ceux qui nous entourent ? It seems that MIT students feel a pressure to "change the world" while the French students are concerned with other global issues such as oil, France, and America's power. Ermellina said they need not worry, that she would not open to any one. 5. How much do you value your studies? En france mme si les tudes effectues sont bassent, il y a toujours moyen de gagner sa vie en travaillant, il y aura toujours du travail pour les personnes qui ont peu de dipmes. The woman's greatest achievement was receiving a doctorate in from . Vous semblez lgrement plus anxieux sur la recherche d'une travail la sortie de l'cole que nous. (222) I'm not worried about it. We are all young, creative people immersed in an environment of political and economic uncertainty, and have legitimate concerns about the future. Clarissa, je crois que nous sommes tous assez concerns par le futur proche parce que nous sommes tudiants, et peut-tre que dans quelques annes, nous envisagerons un futur plus loin, non? "The greatest worry is the unknown". -- The French were a lot more worried about their actual jobs/schooling, while we were more worried, I would say, about finding happiness in our job/future situation. As Jamie mentioned, individualism and self-reliance plays a huge role in the American psyche. that I do not get to see my family again. I belive both are quite similar in that aspect. Do other Americans want to comment on this? After talking this all out, I don't think the response to this question can be generalized for each culture - it is again very much dependent on who is answering the question, when he/she is answering, etc. Et c'est pour a qu' mon avis les gens sont procupp par leur avenir professionnel parce que c'est la source de cet argent. So, do you think these phrases have different meanings in two languages? Americans (historically) think that individualism and self-reliance are very important. Etes-vous d'accord? Is this because Americans are more culturally willing to talk about their worries? ( 2016) They said their main worry was that their fields might be scorched. I had indeed observed that we mentioned academic demands and future job positions as common sources of worry. THE MOST out of everything you are uncertain about (other potential uncertainties being like: grades, jobs, completing obligations, personal success)?? Or maybe these issues are more widely discussed in France or people keep up with the news more; I hardly ever read the news, so I feel that my concerns are mostly about me, not the society as a whole. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Heart" in Example Sentences Page 1 63697 Don't lose heart. This page requires JavaScript. I got a feeling that my greatest worry and ce qui me proccupe le plus don't have the same meaning in two languages. I don't think that your answers (the French) are way less general than ours. not realizing what I want to do with my life until it is too late--or worse, picking the wrong path in life and regretting it for a long time. Ou plutt moins exigeants ? not succeeding and becoming an ordinary person in the crowd. Sometimes they attend the same college, major in the same thing, or follow a similar career path. But dont you . @Alex, I think it makes sense that MIT students have "a greater sens of limited time" - as we've established, French students often take a year off and go travel and get other experiences before college/the real world, while the American mindset is more to work work work as quickly as possible. Or. not realizing what I want to do with my life until it is too late--or worse, picking the wrong path in life and regretting it for a long time. Unfortunately, a lot of popular online news sources seem to ignore larger global issues like the environment and wars, in favor of trivial things (like every detail of Kim Kardashian's life) or at least articles about more personal, day-to-day things (new studies on good diet foods, how popular sports teams are doing, statistics about jobs with the fastest-growing salaries, isolated incidents of crime in local neighborhoods, etc.). They won't have to worry about me again. Your friends will be rewarded and your enemies punished. But I would think that the French are blunt as well. ", the answer is usually something like "wow, oh my god, I have so much work to do, how am I going to finish it! c'est mon avenir aussi bien personnel que professionnel. Of course, this may be a poor interpretation. Et je pense que tous les humains soient Franais, Americain ou autres se ressemblent dans beaucoup de points et se diversent sur d'autres, et cela en ce qui concerne tous ce qui est ct sentiment comme la peur. About 10 million bagels are . I feel that it would be interesting to see a larger group of people of our age from both countries compleate this survery. Both the Americans and the French seem to be worried about thier futures the most. It makes sense that the responses would change if you sampled students versus single mothers versus children. Divorce is very common in the United States -- somewhere nearing half of all marriages end in divorce. 2. Je pense que nous faisons dj une distinction entre travail et vie prive, et que le choix du mtier n'influe pas trop cette dmarquation ( part certains emplois qui demandent beaucoup de mobilit comme militaire, pilote de ligne, etc). The reasons why this would be my biggest fear is as follows. Il semblerait que la proccupation majeure des tudiants, qu'ils soient amricains ou franais, soit l'emploi et ensuite seulement, la famille. The French responses seem to show that their interpretation of "ce qui me preoccupe le plus" is more as something they do, something they worry about day to day; worry in the sense of care rather than fear. mon avenir professionnel ainsi que personnel, ma famille et enfin mes amis. Margaret posed a very interesting question to which I'd also like to know the answer. to lose my family. vivre ma vie avec ceux que j'aime et essayer de les rendre toujours souriants. @Anahid : dj, tout le monde n'a pas forcment de famille sur qui il pourra compter quand il n'aura pas d'emploi. What I think I should have added is that Americans seem very worried about "failure", whereas French students worry about "l'avenir" - the future. From the Hansard archive Do the French students worry abou these issues because they are more interested in or involved with politics than the Americans, or do they worry about them because of the effects that, for example, the economic crisis will have on them personally? If not for fear of something, would anyone accomplish anything? Also, is it French culture to put others first? to die without fulfilling my dreams, never to be happy, to not have a family, tre pris pour aller Chicago Maybe the phrasing would be different, but the main idea is still the same! I thought that both sides showed a lot of concern for long-term issues, with only some on each side talking about a short-term worry. Ma rponse la question 2 claircit un peu cela. As for the French responses, I do not know how different they might be. 7 She seemed neither surprised nor worried. Sentences Don't worry; everything will work out fine. Here (especially at MIT, but also in big cities/larger towns), everyone is always in a go-go-go mindset with so many worries, but also with no breaks! is that I will not accomplish what I have set to accomplish. Some of the French students are afraid for the future in particular for the period after they graduate from the university. Click on the links below to explore the meanings. I do agree though that without being employed for a while and not being able to explain that to an employer can make your chances much slimmer. Sentence Examples. finding interesting work that isn't all-consuming. an instance or occurrence of such distress or agitation. I think that some of the american responses are due to the pressures of MIT where you're supposed to be succesful, you're supposed to get a good job, you're supposed to be happy. greatest worry. Does this happen in France? ", cela veut dire "qu'est-ce qui t'inquite? I feel like the French tended to be the latter of the two while the Americans were the ones who interpretted the question as to what was their greatest fear. l'avenir des futures gnrations et le droit des animaux, ma carrire professionnelle, To respond to you Emmanuel, divorces are fairly common in the United States. . Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. 2 We walked slowly, even happiness are worried. In fact, I see the word "future" at least three times in French answers which is pretty general. :). I was wondering the same thing as Susan: Is it hard to find work after school? Do different economic situations put a differ stress on finding a job? Johanna to answer Elodie's question, I agree that vocational schools/community colleges may offer something similar to those who aren't getting college degrees. I still find interesting, though, the difference in how the American and French students responded. 6. As a country, do you feel that most people in your age range have similar worries? A mon avis, on a tous peur de l'avenir, de perdre ce qui donne une valeur notre vie mais la faon de l'exprimer se diffre selon la personne. Would you agree? Kindness is the greatest wisdom. CK 1 299844 He has a bad heart. I do think it's interesting that the French seem more concerned with their loved ones than we do (based solely on our responses). Human trafficking in south-east Europe is giving us the greatest cause for concern and worry. Overall, I think the American attitude may seem pessimistic, but in reality we are optimists for our future by setting our dreams so high. ma paresse, ma motivation et mon avenir, les problmes lis la religion dans le monde, peut-tre aussi mon clibat. (Definition of great and worry It seems like the French are more present-thinking and optimistic than we are - is that true? Cambridge University Press), Conflicting, positive or strongly held? Je pense que c'est universel et que mme nous franais ressentons la mme chose ! Obviously both sides seem to have a good number of worries. worry 1 of 2 verb 1 as in to fret to experience concern or anxiety they worried for days about whether the loan would be approved Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance fret fear stress fuss trouble sweat bother stew care a hang agonize give a hang sweat blood long despair yearn pine chafe Antonyms & Near Antonyms accept tolerate take bear endure abide 2) Oui, tout le monde est quasiment sur de trouver un travail la sortie de l'cole. I will marry someone who I'm not in love with, At MIT, and I assume l'ENSEIRB, there is a lot of pressure to succeed and find a good job. The greatest worry of my constituents in the present situation is whether the priorities between different forms of transport are right. Is that true in general of the French? Why is that so? Je pense alors que les valeurs humaines ont une importance dans la vie des gens en France tout comme chez vous. I think one interpretation would be to jump straight to the differences in the meaning of life, or what "matters" in life, but I think the first question to answer would be how each side interprets the question: I feel like the American students interpret "greatest worry" as something we're scared of, something we fear. "; "tre proccup " veut dire s'inquiter au sujet de quelque chose; par exemple, la situation conomique nous procuupe, nous inquite, parce que nous ne savons pas de quoi demain sera fait! Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. This goes back to the idea on the word, individualism discussed in another forum. Throughout the US, i don't belive that the majority of the answeres would match the MIT students' responses. For example, it seems a lot of Americans get their news not through reading the newspaper, but online. -- Lots of French responses included other people (family, friends, significant others, etc. Hart (1986 . 84 46 Ol' Woodie was the greatest pitcher ever. is that I will take my good fortune for granted and not take advantage of the things I have. mon avenir (choix d'tudes, choix de secteur d'activit) It is interesting that there were very few (no?) (1821) don't worry about it; you're gonna be nickel. "Je suppose que pour pouvoir se proccuper du bonheur des autres il faut d'abord passer par le sien ?". The raging bull was hands down the number one, Some of it sounds like Cormac McCarthy, the, The very fact that the nineteenth century has not produced many authors whom the world may count among the, All I can say is WOW, this is probably the, Hiking and backpacking have long been two of. I am very far from home and only get to visit about twice a year. The Guardian - Sport. Being beheaded before I reach middle age. d'obtenir mon diplme d'ingnieur en 2012. de vite finir mon cole d'ingnieur pour commencer gagner ma vie. This is a very small sample size, but I wonder if the difference between the French and American responses would be true if a large group had responded to these questions. Many of the sentences have audio, too. I definitely think our answers are biased because we're young students, living away from our families. disappointing those who have helped me; not being smart enough; losing my personal life to work. It's interesting that the Americans (ourselves) wrote these responses and then are noticing the differences! I think this is a very interesting question, and the difference in the responses of the two sides is pretty clear. patient's completions provide a picture of a strong. From the Hansard archive But the greatest worry about disclosure of information is that people will treat forward planning too seriously and take up positions. Example sentences from the Collins Corpus. One thing I noticed is that the American responses were in general lengthier than the French ones. c'est diffrent pour ceux qui n'en n'ont pas du tout mais en france nous avons des tudes que nous appellons des tudes professionnelles, des "bac pro" qui permet aux tudiant d'tudier l'cole tout en apprenant un mtier : 2 semaines en entreprise, 2 semaines l'cole.. etc. Margaret - agreed that MIT answers probably don't match the rest of America. The greatest worry of my constituents in the present situation is whether the priorities between different forms of transport are right. Lionsgate. Bien sr que la famille et les amis sont importants. la restriction des liberts individuelles, la pollution de notre plante, mon avenir, les autres, 4. expand_more jag inte behver vara orolig fr att bli mrdad under middagen. Their family has also likely been affected by the loss. Not only does this relieve some of the stress about students deciding what they wish to do with their lives, it also means that employers will go to specific subsets of students to look for employees, meaning less, more concentrated competition for the jobs pertinent to your studies. individualism). So I wonder if the responses would be different if the sentence in french used the verb "s'inquiter" instead of the verb "se proccuper". However, what I think most MIT students are worried about, isn't necessarily just about finding a job that pays well, it's about finding a job that they really enjoy. Worries are sampled students versus single mothers versus children are biased because we 're young students, living from... To worry about me again belive that the American and French students responded put a differ stress on finding job. Major in the same time you sampled students versus single mothers versus children up your mother for. 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